
Frequently asked questions

Can we repair/rewind any motor?

In short, yes. But just because we can doesn’t mean we should. There is a cost-benefit analysis that should be considered. You may have a motor that is off of a pressure washer that cost you $2000, 5 years ago. That motor is maybe $400 new (if you can find one), however, the repair might cost $1500. We would usually recommend a repair if the cost of repair is 70% or less of what a new motor would cost. If you can’t find that replacement, however, your choice is to repair that motor or replace the whole Pressure Washer (in this case). The repair of the motor may give you another 7-8 years of use of your equipment. You can find more on whether to repair or replace your motor here.

Do you repair household motors? (Drills, Blenders, Hobbyshop Lathe motors)

We do have the ability to repair residential usage motors, but it is usually not the most economical – meaning (similar to question 1) a repair of these motors will generally be much more expensive than buying a new motor. Our business model is set up to serve Industrial clients, from our shop setup, shop rates, and the parts we stock – we are not the best choice for residential repairs.

Can I buy motors from your website?

No. We are not set up for online sales. Generally, our customers prefer to order over the phone or through email. If an e-commerce experience is something you would prefer, please send us a note at

How come I can’t search for products on your website?

Our new site is the first iteration of our new website. As our customer’s needs and purchasing methods evolve, so too will our website. We hope to have our full offering of products on our site in the future.

Do you still have manufacturer PDFs I can download?

The PDFs we had linked on our old site were out of date and irrelevant to what we offer today. If you are needing specific manufacturer documents or motor spec sheets, we can provide those as needed.